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Home Break-In Avoidance

Of course, the thought of a break-in is daunting. No one wants to experience this, but break-ins can occur anywhere and at any time. There are certain things we can do at home to assist in reducing the chance of a break-in occurring. We are going to discuss some ideas here for home break-in avoidance, for instance, not having doors and windows open, and so on.

Find out more about home break-in avoidance!

It would be easier for a break-in to occur if a window were to be kept open, especially on a lower-level floor. If you reside on the bottom level of an apartment or condominium building, then you might want to consider window locks and locks for any patio doors. The same idea is true if you have a single-family home or townhome. Window locks and locks for any patio doors can make a break-in more difficult.

No matter what your home looks like, whether it is a condo, apartment, single family home or townhome, you might want to think about a home security system. This can be a deterrent to someone thinking about trying to break into your home, but having an alarm go off could assist in catching the person committing the crime. Moreover, there might be insurance benefits to having a home security system.

We recommend, to avoid a break-in at home, having security cameras, too. These can serve as a break-in deterrent, with the assumption that if a criminal is considering breaking into your home, they might think twice if they know they are on camera. Keeping doors and windows locked is recommended, too.

Here are some other tips to avoid a home break-in:

  • Switch up the passcodes for locks and garage doors every so often.
  • Keep your garage locked.
  • Keep your windows covered
  • Have a patio lock put in
  • Have motion sensor lights put in
  • Set a timer on lights if you are not home so it appears that someone is home.
  • Don’t share too much information on social media, for instance, travel plans, and consider avoiding sharing your location on social media if you are currently out of town – this way, someone thinking about breaking in might not be so sure you are not home.
  • Be sure to change locks when you move into a new home, or if your keys go missing.
  • Do not keep the garage remote in your car.

These are just some tips to reduce the chance of a break-in occurring. Home break-in avoidance is key. We understand that the thought of a break-in is daunting. No one wants to experience this, but break-ins can occur anywhere and at any time. There are certain things we can do as homeowners in an effort to assist in reducing the chance of a break-in occurring. We have taken the time to discuss some ideas here for home break-in avoidance, for instance, not having doors and windows open, setting a timer on lights, having a security system, and so on.

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